How To Achieve THC Urine Detox
We have spent years researching individual THC Detox Methods to determine the 7 that actually work to reduce urine THC metabolite levels. Based on their optimal timing, we have combined them into 3 protocols: 1 Week THC Detox, 2 Day THC Detox, and 3 Hour THC Detox. As many protocols as possible should be followed for maximum effect.

1 Week+ Detox Protocol
This protocol is for those who have at least 5 days and wish to clear THC and its metabolites out of their system. Although called “1 Week”, you should start exercising as early as possible! The goal of this protocol is to achieve permanent detox by removal of THC from the fat and then diverting it to alternate metabolic pathways that do not end as detectable metabolites in the urine. This protocol uses the methods of Fat Loss, CYP3A4 Induction, and CYP2C9 Inhibition.
- Exercise equipment and healthy food of your choice!
- A CYP3A4 inducer, such as St. John’s Wort standardized to 3% hyperforin
- A CYP2C9 inhibitor, such as milk thistle extract
1. Lose body fat through diet and exercise. It is never too soon to start this. Stop vigorous exercise the day before the test.
2. Starting 1 to 2 weeks before the test, take the CYP3A4 inducer and CYP2C9 inhibitor 3 times per day with each meal. You should time it so that you take the last serving within 6 hours of the test.
Caution: Enzyme inducers and inhibitors can interact with other drugs and herbal supplements. If you take medications, consult with your doctor or pharmacist to check for possible interactions.
3. Continue below with the 2 Day Detox protocol, starting around 48 hours before the test.
2 Day Detox Protocol
This protocol is for use in the 48 hours before a urine test. If you only have a few days for your THC detox, then this is the place to start. It is too late to remove much of the actual THC from your system, but you can reduce levels of the main THC metabolite that is excreted into your urine. This protocol uses the methods of Blocking Recirculation and UGT1A Inhibition.
1. Take 5 g of activated charcoal with each meal. Start this about 48 hours prior to the time that you would like maximal detox.
Caution: Activated charcoal can interfere with the absorption of drugs and herbal supplements. If you are taking these with a meal, then separate the time that you consume activated charcoal by at least 2 hours. For example, take activated charcoal 1 hour before the meal and then take the drug/supplement 1 hour after the meal.
2. Continue with the 3 Hour Detox protocol on the day of your test.
3 Hour Detox Protocol
This protocol is for use on the same day as your test. Although it is designed for THC detox, it will technically work for anything measured in your urine. We recommend that everybody follow this protocol if there is a chance that they have not reached an adequate detox level. However, this protocol works best when THC metabolite levels are lowered ahead of time with the protocols above. This protocol uses the methods of Urine Dilution and Modifying Urine pH.
- Creatine ethyl ester (NOT creatinine monohydrate)
- Electrolyte solution (for example, Pedialyte)
- Vitamin B2
- OPTIONAL: Betaine HCl
- OPTIONAL: Urine test strips for specific gravity and creatinine
- OPTIONAL: Urine test strips for pH
- OPTIONAL: Urine test strips for THC metabolites
- Take 10 g of creatine ethyl ester 3 hours prior to the test.
- Take 200 mg of vitamin B2 3 hours prior to the test.
- (OPTIONAL) Take 1000 mg of betaine HCl 3 hours prior to the test. This is most important for people with alkaline urine.
- Consume 500 – 1000 mL of the electrolyte solution per hour starting 3 hours before the test.
- (OPTIONAL) Use the test strips to ensure that urine parameters (specific gravity and creatinine) are within the normal range. The typical lower cutoffs are 1.003 for specific gravity and 20 mg/dL for creatinine. Make sure you are above this level.
- (OPTIONAL) Use the pH test strips to make sure that your urine pH is in the acidic range (5 to 6 is ideal).
- (OPTIONAL) Use the THC metabolite test strips to verify that you are testing negative.
Note: At least one “test run” ahead of time is highly recommended. Follow this protocol and check your urine specific gravity, creatinine, and THC metabolite levels. You can adjust the above parameters as needed, including creatine ethyl ester dose and hydration rate. The maximum rate that your body can produce urine is 800-1000 mL per hour, so don’t go above this!